Our ESL Classroom

This is a full stack app which provides valuable information about the students’ classroom progress and allows teachers and parents to directly communicate with one another, all in the preferred language of each user.

Skills and Technologies Used: HTML | CSS | Flexbox | CSS Grid | Modern Javascript | Java | Spring MVC | JPA | Hibernate | Source Control/Git | Spring Boot | Agile(Scrum) | AJAX | Promise | JSON | Restful API |

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Artists-albums-songs Collection

This is a full stack web app where we built our own API for users to view Artists, albums and songs collection. Users also can update and create an artist, album and song.

Skills and Technologies Used: HTML | CSS | Flexbox | CSS Grid | Agile(Scrum) | Modern Javascript | Java | Spring MVC | Spring Boot | AJAX | Promise | JSON | Source Control/Git |

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Cookie Clicker Calamity

Is a browser game where users click on a cookie and it shows their clicks. Users also can purchase a companion to click the cookie for them at a cost. Users also can multiply their clicks at a cost to increase their click count.

Skills and Technologies Used: HTML | CSS | Flexbox | CSS Grid | Modern Javascript | TDD in Jasmine | Source Control/Git |

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Review Site for Wines

Is a Dynamic web application with a MVC architecture where users can select a category of wines and write reviews on it.

Skills and Technologies Used: Agile Methodology | Java OOP | TDD | HTML | CSS | Spring MVC | Thymeleaf | Spring Boot | Source Control/Git

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Virtual Pet (Alien)

Is an user interactive console app where users can create an organic or cyborg aliens (pets). Then, players can take actions such as feed, work, play, adapt or put aliens in shelter on a single or all pets.

Skills And Technologies used: Agile (Scrum) Methodology | TDD | Java OOP (Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation) | Source Control/Git |

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